Frequently asked questions
In this section, you will find answers to the most common questions about our services and products. We have tried to cover all the key points to help you quickly find the information you need.
Frequently asked questions
What is the minimum storage and plan price available?
The minimum storage available is 25 GB SSD under the "Starter" plan, which costs $4.50 per month or $0.006 per hour.
What is Visual Regression Testing (VRT) and how does it help?
VRT Testing captures unintended visual changes in your website’s design following updates or modifications. It provides a side-by-side comparison to ensure every visual element performs as expected, maintaining your design integrity.
Which plan is best for a small website?
For a small website, the "Starter" plan with 25 GB SSD, 1 CPU, 1 GB RAM, and unlimited traffic is ideal, costing $4.50 per month or $0.006 per hour.
How does your vulnerability scanner enhance my website's security?
Our vulnerability scanner detects and mitigates potential security threats before they affect your site. It performs regular scans to safeguard your website against new and emerging threats.
What features are included in the Premium plan?
The "Premium" plan includes 300 GB SSD storage, 8 CPUs, 16 GB RAM, 10 Gbps bandwidth, and unlimited traffic for $92 per month or $0.128 per hour.
What WordPress features can I get with your hosting?
Our hosting includes features like One-Click Easy Migration, VRT Testing, Vulnerability Scanner, Safe Updates, Stage Environments, GIT Deployment, CloudFlare CDN & Anti-DDoS, DNS Management, Daily Backups, and more.
What is the purpose of the Stage Environments feature?
Stage Environments allow you to develop, test, and make changes in a completely isolated environment that mirrors your live site. This ensures you can experiment and adjust without any risk to your actual site.
Can I manage my site using GIT deployment?
Yes, GIT deployment capabilities enable you to manage source code, track changes, and collaborate with team members more effectively, integrating directly with your hosting for seamless version control.
How does the One-Click Easy Migration tool work?
The One-Click Easy Migration tool allows you to seamlessly transfer your existing WordPress site to our platform with ease, ensuring a secure and rapid transfer without needing specialized technical knowledge.
What support options are available?
We provide 24/7 Pro Support, allowing you to access our dedicated support team for any technical issues or queries. Our WordPress experts are ready to assist you with troubleshooting problems and optimizing your site's performance.
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